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foundry 101

An old Cambridge foundry reimagined as a community workspace.

CLIENT • Cambridge7  PHOTOS courtesy Kwest Budu-Arthur

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world of little league

6 innings of sunshine, grass, and history.

CLIENT • Cambridge7  PHOTOS courtesy Kwest Budu-Arthur


Coolidge corner library

Midcentury wayfinding to match the renovated building. 

CLIENT • Town of Brookline   
PHOTOS •  courtesy of Kwesi Budu-Arthur/Cambridge Seven Associates 


6 innings of sunshine, grass and a whole lot of history.

CLIENT • Cambridge 7  PHOTOS •  courtesy of Kwesi Budu-Arthur/Cambridge Seven Associates 

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America Transformed

Historical maps, images and related objects tell the story of the sweeping changes made to the physical, cultural, and political landscape during the 19th century.

CLIENT • Norman Leventhal Map Center

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Mckeon boys & girls club

Collaborated with Leslie Saul & Associates to create a positive, vibrant and welcoming after school space for boys and girls.

CLIENT • Design & Development Solutions

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Canada's sports hall

of fame

40,000 square feet of memorabilia, timelines, distinguished plaques and posters: bilingual

CLIENT • Cambridge7  PHOTOS courtesy Kwest Budu-Arthur

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